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==== Mother ====
==== Mother ====
'''Devouring mother'''
'''Devouring mother'''
== Merikan exceptionalism ==
Tanisha stated that pre-historic Merika was the greatest country that ever existed in history and was established through the will of God as part of a major transition toward the abolition of the state.
== Requirements ==
== Requirements ==
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=== Prayer ===
=== Prayer ===
All followers of Transformatsiya are required to pray at least twice per day, although more then that is allowed.  The first prayer is in the morning and the second is in the afternoon or evening.
All followers of Transformatsiya are required to pray three times per day, although more then that is allowed.  The first prayer is in the morning and the second is in the afternoon and the third prayer is in the evening.
=== Circumcision ===
=== Circumcision ===
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All Transformers are required to take the Affirmation declaration of faith.
All Transformers are required to take the Affirmation declaration of faith.
Ест один Бог, Таниша его посланница.
Естъ один Бог, Таниша его посланница.
=== Jihad ===
=== Jihad ===
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== Iconism==
== Iconism==
Tanisha instructed her followers to create artistic representations of religious figures in order to spread the mythology of their religion.  They were instructed explicitly never to use any icon as an idol.  In almost all situations, God is required to be depicted as a cisgender man.  Statues and images are often displayed prominently on conquered atheist worlds.
Tanisha instructed her followers to create artistic representations of religious figures in order to spread the mythology of their religion.  They were instructed explicitly never to use any icon as an idol.  In almost all situations, God is required to be depicted as a cisgender man.  Statues and images are often displayed prominently on conquered atheist worlds.
Places of worship are almost universally devoid of icons, as their use in worship is generally forbidden out of concern for idolatry.
==Views on social dysfunction==
==Views on social dysfunction==
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Tanisha described social dysfunction as the most severe pandemic of Ancient Merika.  Satanists of all type were said to have pushed socially isolating policies and changes.
Tanisha described social dysfunction as the most severe pandemic of Ancient Merika.  Satanists of all type were said to have pushed socially isolating policies and changes.
== Sin ==
The most severe sin in Transformatsiya is polytheism and idolatry, including associating equals with God.  It has a pragmatic basis, along with other sins.  Violating the rules of Judaism and Islam that have been repeated in Transformatsiya are typically only sins for people who have chosen to observe them.
=== Anti-social behavior ===
Based on Tanisha's early years during the beginning of the collapse of pre-historic Merika, any anti-social or socially dysfunctional behavior is the second most severe sin.  For those who die having lived a lonely life, Tanisha has prepared for them a severe punishment.  They will reside in the gulag indefinitely until Tanisha feels that they have suffered severely enough and they have repented and accepted God.
==== Celibacy ====
Celibacy is considered a severe form of social dysfunction and it is agreed on that occasional fornication is better then celibacy.  Virginity in both genders is condemned, but Tanisha explicitly stated that the male virgin is among the most foul and loathsome creature to exist and that they will inevitably cave to Satan's temptation of the most vile sexual perversions and misogyny.  Tanisha blamed them for violence during the decline of pre-historic Merika.
Any woman who is penetrated by an identified-male virgin under any circumstances is tormented severely by Tanisha until the Day of Judgement.  If that day never comes, then they will be tormented for eternity.  The only exception is if the woman is younger and the male is under 21.  In most cases though, the woman will take her boyfriend to an (unlawful) sex worker who is a disbeliever and pay for his first time to be with her.  Alternatively, the woman will pay a female disbeliever who is not necessarily engaged in sex work regularly. 
=== Murder ===
Tanisha reiterates from the Quran that murder is as severe as murdering the entire world and that even one murder will result in a punishment lasting for so long that it could never be comprehended.
=== Abortion ===
Deadly abortions that kill the child are only permitted under [[Zakon Law]] in cases of imminent death or great bodily harm to the mother.  Non deadly abortions where the embryo or fetus is removed and raised artificially are forbidden under most circumstances under the Zakon because they are considered deeply misogynistic.
Tanisha stated that any woman who murdered her child through abortion would reside in fire eternally, and any woman who dies to avoid a permitted abortion would be forgiven of all of her sins and sent directly to Heaven.
=== Hedging and nuance ===
Expressing a nuanced worldview is considered satanic.  Anyone who makes hedging statements or collapses into nuance and dies without atonement will be punished.
Hedging and getting tangled trying to disclaim nuance were said by Tanisha to be "geek behaviors" and geek
=== Synthesis ===
People of God deal in absolutes and the quagmire of nuance is the realm of Satan.  Things are either true or false.  Taking bits and pieces or asserting partial truth is forbidden.  Those who die without forgiveness or atonement will be punished.
=== Transphobia ===
The final prophet Tanisha is a transgender lesbian and the transgender narrative is considered a beautiful metaphor from God for the experience of transitioning from atheism to the way of God.  If transphobes die without forgiveness from Tanisha, they are boiled in trans fluid.
=== Obsession with fantasy ===
Obsessing about fantasy is a destructive mechanism that Satan uses to get people to waste their lives and fail the test of God.  Engaging in un-constructed fantasy can be an opportunity to engage with the occult and is a form of unsanctioned mysticism in which Satanic demons can possess the victim and lead them astray.  Tanisha spoke of the geeks of the early 21st century who often spent their entire lives immersed in fantasy to the exclusion of their real lives, which suffered horrendously as a result.  This failure of their real lives drove them deeper into fantasy and escapism until the ends of their lives when they were among the losers and their horrific failures in life and sins permanently separated them from God.  Despite having the ability to repent at any time to attain salvation, they cursed God and His messenger Tanisha and accused them of wanting them to live in suffering.
== Mysticism ==
Unsanctioned mysticism is considered extremely dangerous and is guaranteed to result in Satanic control.  Under Zakon Law, it can be punished up to death.  Sanctioned mystics often provide guidance and spiritual interpretation.  They often serve as psychologists.
==Religious tolerance ==
==Religious tolerance ==
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==== Baha'i ====
==== Baha'i ====
It is generally considered positive, although the inclusion of Buddha is suspect.  Tanisha denounced Buddhist worship as leading to satanic centrism.  Tanisha instructed her followers to pray at least twice per day in order to one up them.
It is generally considered positive, although the inclusion of Buddha is suspect.  Tanisha denounced Buddhist worship as leading to satanic centrism.
==LGBT views==
==LGBT views==
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Abraham was the founder and the first person to be contacted by God.
Moses emancipated the pre-historic Jews from slavery and brought morality from God.
Jesus is considered the messiah and generally the son of God, but always separate from God.  He is considered the most important moral teacher ever to exist.  He is universally considered to be separate from God, although there are different interpretations on how this exists.
Muhammad is considered an important leader who founded a society based on Judaism and Christianity and gave instructions on how to live.  He led the people of Arabia out of spiritual dysphoria and into the light of God.
===George Washington===
===George Washington===
George Washington received spiritual guidance from God along with other minor prophets on the founding of Ancient Merika.  He received copies of the Bill of Rights on stone tablets from God on Mount Vernon.  The founding of Ancient Merika was believed to be part of God's plan for developing an ideal society.
===Abraham Lincoln===
===Abraham Lincoln===
Lincoln is viewed as an allegory of Jesus in Christianity who died so that people could be free from slavery.
===Tanisha Reznova===
===Tanisha Reznova===
Tanisha is the final prophet of God who restored the way of God to the pre-historic Merikans and the early Transformers.
==Views on progressive revelation==
==Views on progressive revelation==

Latest revision as of 20:01, 18 March 2024

Abramism is the religion created by Tanisha Reznova that combines teachings from Judaism, Christianity and Islam and incorporates elements of American history. The Founding Fathers are added as providential figures who were motivated by God to create the first experiment in free government. Followers believe that submission to the will of God can create the moral foundation necessary to exist in a stateless, post capitalist society. George Washington is viewed as a divine and prominent figure who led humanity out of darkness. American slavery is said to be a compromise made by centrists and moderates, which led to the first civil war. Lincoln was sent as an allegorical messiah who died so that slaves could be free. Religious imagery and visions of the Civil War include substitutions of the Reichstag in Berlin with the capitol in Richmond. Republicans and Democrats in the war are described as the Red Army and the White Army. 100 years after the Civil War, the freed slaves are said to have "returned to the plantation." Hitler is mentioned as the first appearance of the Anti Christ, who appears regularly throughout history. The rise of fascism is given as a myth of what inevitably happens when society abandons religion and turns to worship of the almighty state. Operation Barbarossa was told by Tanisha as a prelude to 2060s American history. During this war, followers saw visions where Tanisha rallied men to charge up Mamayev Kurgan where she was killed by a Nazi artillery shell and resurrected several days later. This part was created by followers rather then Tanisha herself.


The philosopher and psychologist Josef Petukhov described George Washington and Ancient Merika as "an archetypal manifestation of the God Dragon of Chaos" that "destroyed the old and established monarchist hierarchy."

Tanisha being transgender is considered synchronicity of rejecting atheism. Many followers have observed similarities in living as an atheist or a repressed trans person. Atheist conservatives consider transgenderism to be rooted in "gender essentialism." Tanisha explained that during the 21s century, many followers of Lincoln interpreted transgender metaphors as related to them while being in denial of it. She also told stories about transgender people who were followers of Lincoln who transitioned other people into becoming followers of Lincoln.

Christianity and Islam are considered manifestations of the cosmological masculine and feminine and archetypes of the mother and father.

Technocratic socialism is a manifestation of the devouring mother archetype. The atheist religion that it is coupled with is part of the extreme masculine. Only the negative aspects of the cosmological masculine and the feminine are expressed. People are obsessed with logic but ruled by repressed emotions and suffer from incurable spiritual dysphoria.

Death of God

Tanisha told of the metaphorical death of God that happens in advanced technological cultures, which eventually leads to manifestation of Satan and their collapse.

Etymology and nomenclature

Transformatsiya comes from the Latin Nemonic word transition, which is based on the experience of accepting God and the radical transformation that happens after acceptance and submission. The title of "transformers" was re-appropriated from atheists who used it to insult followers of the religion. The process of conversion is called transition.


Mirror and reflection

The reflection is a manifestation of anything that was repressed, generally anything similar or inverted to oneself. An example is a religious conservative who claims that transgender people are delusional while remaining ignorant to or denying the irony of such a claim. Tanisha repeatedly mentioned that many of the Merikans in the 21st century denied their own reflection. Tanisha herself was ultimately manifested in large part by the collective Merikan inability to confront their reflection.


Abusive father


Devouring mother

Merikan exceptionalism

Tanisha stated that pre-historic Merika was the greatest country that ever existed in history and was established through the will of God as part of a major transition toward the abolition of the state.


Transition or conversion into the religion starts after taking the affirmation, after which circumcision and baptism are required. Circumcision must be performed soon after taking the affirmation in order to avoid apostasy.


All followers of Transformatsiya are required to pray three times per day, although more then that is allowed. The first prayer is in the morning and the second is in the afternoon and the third prayer is in the evening.


All biologically male Transformers are required to be circumcised.


All Transformers are required to take the Affirmation declaration of faith.

Естъ один Бог, Таниша его посланница.


All Transformers are expected to actively struggle against evil within themselves and also in the world. Acts of non-violent jihad are expected and strongly encouraged. Military jihad said to only be justified in situations where an aggressor attacks first. Transformers are allowed to work to secure themselves but must not make the first attack. Any jihadists who are martyred in the first attack will be extensively rewarded.

Submission versus spiritual formation duality

Of the many paradoxes of the Abramist religion, one is between the instruction to submit to the wisdom and guidance of the Abrahamic religions or allowing people to discover what is true for themselves. This is often bridged by emphasizing submission while encouraging people to discover why the Abrahamic tradition is correct.

Heaven and Hell

Transformers believe in two phases of judgement. The final judgement is made by God on the last day. After death the first judgement is made by Tanisha or any other powerful entity. Salvation and damnation can also be determined independently by one's level of individuation. One story told by Tanisha is the tragedy of a 21st century psychologist who acted as a false prophet. He never confronted his inner darkness and after death he was forced to rule over a construct of the USSR that was created by his own psyche.

Followers believe that almost all people will eventually be saved after both phases of judgement, although salvation is not universal. Anyone who refuses to accept God or individuate will never be saved and any female who receives the virginity of a man by any means will be irreversibly damned by Tanisha until the day of judgement.

Those who fail to individuate will likely end up in a personal construct of Hell prior to the day of judgement.

Heaven is believed to be a place without class.


Tanisha instructed her followers to create artistic representations of religious figures in order to spread the mythology of their religion. They were instructed explicitly never to use any icon as an idol. In almost all situations, God is required to be depicted as a cisgender man. Statues and images are often displayed prominently on conquered atheist worlds.

Places of worship are almost universally devoid of icons, as their use in worship is generally forbidden out of concern for idolatry.

Views on social dysfunction

Socially dysfunctional behavior and by extension celibacy are considered the most severe sin in Transformatsiya. Tanisha warned that celibacy inevitably leads to sexually deviant interests including non naturally born homosexuality, misogynistic fetishes and pedophilia. Such urges are considered attempts by Satan to isolate the sufferer. These urges and feelings are believed to be inevitable.

Tanisha described social dysfunction as the most severe pandemic of Ancient Merika. Satanists of all type were said to have pushed socially isolating policies and changes.


The most severe sin in Transformatsiya is polytheism and idolatry, including associating equals with God. It has a pragmatic basis, along with other sins. Violating the rules of Judaism and Islam that have been repeated in Transformatsiya are typically only sins for people who have chosen to observe them.

Anti-social behavior

Based on Tanisha's early years during the beginning of the collapse of pre-historic Merika, any anti-social or socially dysfunctional behavior is the second most severe sin. For those who die having lived a lonely life, Tanisha has prepared for them a severe punishment. They will reside in the gulag indefinitely until Tanisha feels that they have suffered severely enough and they have repented and accepted God.


Celibacy is considered a severe form of social dysfunction and it is agreed on that occasional fornication is better then celibacy. Virginity in both genders is condemned, but Tanisha explicitly stated that the male virgin is among the most foul and loathsome creature to exist and that they will inevitably cave to Satan's temptation of the most vile sexual perversions and misogyny. Tanisha blamed them for violence during the decline of pre-historic Merika.

Any woman who is penetrated by an identified-male virgin under any circumstances is tormented severely by Tanisha until the Day of Judgement. If that day never comes, then they will be tormented for eternity. The only exception is if the woman is younger and the male is under 21. In most cases though, the woman will take her boyfriend to an (unlawful) sex worker who is a disbeliever and pay for his first time to be with her. Alternatively, the woman will pay a female disbeliever who is not necessarily engaged in sex work regularly.


Tanisha reiterates from the Quran that murder is as severe as murdering the entire world and that even one murder will result in a punishment lasting for so long that it could never be comprehended.


Deadly abortions that kill the child are only permitted under Zakon Law in cases of imminent death or great bodily harm to the mother. Non deadly abortions where the embryo or fetus is removed and raised artificially are forbidden under most circumstances under the Zakon because they are considered deeply misogynistic.

Tanisha stated that any woman who murdered her child through abortion would reside in fire eternally, and any woman who dies to avoid a permitted abortion would be forgiven of all of her sins and sent directly to Heaven.

Hedging and nuance

Expressing a nuanced worldview is considered satanic. Anyone who makes hedging statements or collapses into nuance and dies without atonement will be punished.

Hedging and getting tangled trying to disclaim nuance were said by Tanisha to be "geek behaviors" and geek


People of God deal in absolutes and the quagmire of nuance is the realm of Satan. Things are either true or false. Taking bits and pieces or asserting partial truth is forbidden. Those who die without forgiveness or atonement will be punished.


The final prophet Tanisha is a transgender lesbian and the transgender narrative is considered a beautiful metaphor from God for the experience of transitioning from atheism to the way of God. If transphobes die without forgiveness from Tanisha, they are boiled in trans fluid.

Obsession with fantasy

Obsessing about fantasy is a destructive mechanism that Satan uses to get people to waste their lives and fail the test of God. Engaging in un-constructed fantasy can be an opportunity to engage with the occult and is a form of unsanctioned mysticism in which Satanic demons can possess the victim and lead them astray. Tanisha spoke of the geeks of the early 21st century who often spent their entire lives immersed in fantasy to the exclusion of their real lives, which suffered horrendously as a result. This failure of their real lives drove them deeper into fantasy and escapism until the ends of their lives when they were among the losers and their horrific failures in life and sins permanently separated them from God. Despite having the ability to repent at any time to attain salvation, they cursed God and His messenger Tanisha and accused them of wanting them to live in suffering.


Unsanctioned mysticism is considered extremely dangerous and is guaranteed to result in Satanic control. Under Zakon Law, it can be punished up to death. Sanctioned mystics often provide guidance and spiritual interpretation. They often serve as psychologists.

Religious tolerance

Tanisha instructed that all followers of God be accepted and that religions of non followers should be replaced. Religious tolerance is allowed in situations where it is pragmatic or avoids violence. Transformers are expected to work to replace religions that do not worship God and convert their followers. Tanisha instructed not to force the transition of followers of God, but to encourage them if they expressed interest in transitioning. All religions of God are tolerated.

Position on other religions of God


Tanisha described the Jews as being in a special relationship with God and that it was important for them to maintain their own community. She also described them as extremely hard working and stated that the most successful pre historical civilizations had a large Jewish population while the people who persecuted them were condemned by God to suffer. It is considered the foundation of morality and the first people to receive the rules of life from God. It is also seen as older and dated compared to other religions.

Christianity and Islam are largely seen as independent sects of Judaism.


Christianity is viewed as a manifestation of the archetypal mother. It is considered important in this role. Whether or not transformers believe that the Christian stories about Jesus are correct, they are considered to have mythological value and synchronicity with other parts of the religion. Tanisha once denounced Christianity for being meek and flabby but later renounced this belief and created a rainbow, which became the symbol of Christianity for Transformers.


Muhammad is considered an epic figure who lifted the Arabs out of degeneracy and dysphoria. It is considered an extremely positive religion for the instruction that it provides and a manifestation of the archetypal father. Tanisha considered Muslims to be soft on abortion and did not consider the views on sex to be compatible with advanced civilization, as celibacy is one of the most severe sins in Transformatsiya.


Mormonism is barely tolerated as a religion of God because they largely believe in the wrong beliefs about God because they believe that He was a man and is one of many gods for civilized worlds. It is only technically considered a monotheistic religion because only one god is worshiped.


It is generally considered positive, although the inclusion of Buddha is suspect. Tanisha denounced Buddhist worship as leading to satanic centrism.

LGBT views

Transgenderism and transsexuality are considered synchronicity metaphors for the process of accepting God when living in a satanic society and overcoming the pervasive dysphoria of a meaningless world. Tanisha instructed that naturally born gay men should be accepted but not celebrated. She also gave the instruction that naturally straight men and trans lesbians who engage in homosexual or male attracted activities are possessed by satanic forces and demons and must be punished and corrected. Tanisha also described the natural autohomophobic disgust reaction in straight men and trans lesbians as essential. There is no restriction on homosexuality among cisgender women. Tanisha said that Leviticus primarily applied to naturally straight men who engaged in homosexual activities and that overall naturally homosexual people should be accepted.

Transgender people are often seen as a gift from God so that gay people will be able to have children. Heterosexual relationships between gay people are encouraged.

Transgender lesbians are considered men who are extremely straight.

Nano machines for gender and sex transitions are not given until age 18.

Position on differences between Christianity and Islam

There is usually no central position on the Islamic retcons to Christianity. There are multiple sects with different interpretations. All of them reject the idea that Jesus was God or is an equal to God. It is widely believed that the Christian story of Jesus has spiritual value regardless of whether it is believed literally or whether the Islamic interpretation of Jesus ascending to Heaven is believed.



Abraham was the founder and the first person to be contacted by God.


Moses emancipated the pre-historic Jews from slavery and brought morality from God.


Jesus is considered the messiah and generally the son of God, but always separate from God. He is considered the most important moral teacher ever to exist. He is universally considered to be separate from God, although there are different interpretations on how this exists.


Muhammad is considered an important leader who founded a society based on Judaism and Christianity and gave instructions on how to live. He led the people of Arabia out of spiritual dysphoria and into the light of God.

George Washington

George Washington received spiritual guidance from God along with other minor prophets on the founding of Ancient Merika. He received copies of the Bill of Rights on stone tablets from God on Mount Vernon. The founding of Ancient Merika was believed to be part of God's plan for developing an ideal society.

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln is viewed as an allegory of Jesus in Christianity who died so that people could be free from slavery.

Tanisha Reznova

Tanisha is the final prophet of God who restored the way of God to the pre-historic Merikans and the early Transformers.

Views on progressive revelation

Transformers only believe that progressive revelation happens when something radically changes in society that requires new religious values or knowledge. It is generally considered suspect.