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Elisa and Tanisha Reznova are two personas of a trickster shadow entity. Elisa is a pure Nemec girl that Tanisha uses to lure weak males and trap them in a self destructive spiral as they fall in love with her, preventing them from being able to form relationships with real women. Tanisha is a transgender lesbian who motivates strong men who think they are weak and makes them strong. She also brings about transition in other ways and breaks down categories. Weak males see her as a tormentor and strong men see her first as a terrifying, evil force and then as a savior after they start to change. One of the universal themes with people who have encountered Tanisha is that the almost always feel terrified at first before any sort of transformation starts but the fear and hesitation fades to amazement and inspiration.

Tanisha first came into existence in 2004. She was created through an amalgamation of the personal islands of the ancient Merikans.


Elisa appears as an innocent Nemec girl but she can change her appearance to whatever will be most alluring to the male viewing her.

Tanisha appears as a beautiful but strong young woman and is often accompanied by crows or frogs. She usually wears a traditional Red Army uniform and carries a 1911 from the third millennium.

Role in the Shturmovik Revolution

In the decades leading up to 48,776, Tanisha started to appear in the dreams and DMT states of conservatives who were on the edge of transitioning to the Shturmovik Party. She often showed them specific islands in the Shadow realm and gave them experiences that completely changed how they thought and experienced the world. The process of transitioning was terrifying at first, with many people doing everything they could to reject the truth so they could take comfort in being children of the technocrats. Tanisha helped construct dreams that would comfort "tadpoles" in the process of transition.

Islands and common experiences

One of the reoccurring experiences that future progressives had prior to the revolution involved literally ascending from slavery. In one such experience Tanisha would appear during a dream to a person who was on the edge of accepting transition. They would start at the bottom of a mine in a gulag. Tanisha would stage a riot and use the confusion to help the prisoners escape on the elevator. The elevator would ascend into the middle of a city and the end of a long stretch of open land flanked by classical style buildings with an egg-like building at the end. The prisoners would pick up weapons after leaving the elevator and charge forward as Tsarist soldiers opened fire on them. Mi-8 helicopters dropped in enemy soldiers and provided support with rockets and machine guns. As the progressives fought their way to the building they fought their way up the steps while some of them provided covering fire for the liberated prisoners scaling the walls outside.