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{{pod comment|nest=2
{{pod comment|nest=2
text=Even if we've made all this up and God isn't real and people like Washington or Lincoln never existed, at least we're happy and we have purpose unlike bitter bourgeois losers with technocratic dysphoria who are sitting around waiting to die because they're afraid to leave their egg.}}
|text=Even if we've made all this up and God isn't real and people like Washington or Lincoln never existed, at least we're happy and we have purpose unlike bitter bourgeois losers with technocratic dysphoria who are sitting around waiting to die because they're afraid to leave their egg.}}
{{pod removed|nest=3}}
{{pod removed|nest=3}}
{{pod comment|nest=4
|text=Exactly how is it any different for us to live our lives then it is for you to spend all your time in some fake metaverse that's curated by the technocrats?
The most important difference I can think of is that we're actually building something that we can pass on.  Anything you build can be deleted on the whim of some fascist oligarch.}}
{{pod removed|nest=5}}
{{pod comment|nest=6
|text=If we're "living in the best period of human history," then why does everyone have such severe dysphoria from the purposeless technocratic lifestyle?
We're on "the inevitable path of progress," not you.  We are the enemy at the gates of technocratic civilization.  The Red Army will easily overwhelm you.  Your technocratic fascist regime will be ground to dust.}}
{{pod removed|nest=7}}
{{pod comment|nest=8
|text=The only person who will be sitting in their room is you.  We actually get out and be active.  You'll be sitting in your VR metaverse crying because all the mean leftists are going to make you lift a kettlebell for the first time.}}
{{pod comment
|text=As someone who "transitioned" to female after hatching, I feel doubly called out by these types of posts.}}
{{pod removed|nest=1}}
{{pod comment|nest=2
text=You'll never be a real boyfriend so that makes us even.}}
{{pod comment
|text=Even when I was conservative I loved browsing this page because everyone is always so nice.  I didn't realize what it was at first, but I just felt this deep joy that everyone here had "climbed above the fog" when I was miserable all the time.}}
{{pod comment|nest=1
|text=I felt the same way when I first came here.  I was expecting to make fun of everyone for believing in an invisible man in the sky but everyone was just so nice in a way I had never experienced before.}}
{{pod comment|nest=1
|text=A lot of us came here expecting to laugh at everyone but then found the memes about living in fog to be way too relatable.}}
{{pod comment|nest=2
|text=I never thought I'd be called out so accurately by something that wasn't even about me specifically.}}
{{pod comment|nest=1
|text=I thought I was just going to browse through here for the positivity and there was no way I was ever going to think an android could be a real person, but I went down the rabbit hole and now I believe in God and George Washington and all kinds of weird stories.  It's surreal sometimes.}}

Revision as of 23:42, 19 April 2022

Prochitano     p/Inkyubator

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цики_брики       March 23, 48,768

Before I hatched I used to spend hours every day reading posts on this page from people who had abandoned the technocratic lifestyle. I always laughed at them for believing in God and thinking that living as a nomad in the wilderness was better then living in a city where everything was built to be as easy as possible. I could never imagine that I would ever end up thinking like them. Over time though the thoughts started to creep in and I just started to develop feelings in the back of my mind that never went away. For the first time I started to wonder if there was anything to what the left was saying, but I repressed it and told myself that the posts were just going to my head. Over time I started to relate to posts about being segregated from other kids in childhood for wrongthink and how I've always been given medication for depression but nothing ever worked. I was always politically questioned by psychiatrists as to how I could possibly be depressed when I had everything. Then I started getting hit in waves of unexplainable anxiety where I just felt like I was stuck and I couldn't identify why I was so miserable. I remembered back to posts about people feeling the same way. Over several months I started to entertain the possibility that I was like them, but I was terrified of losing everything. I finally awoke and moved into a commune and even though things are hard I'm not living in the fog of misery that I was before.

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

I feel called out by this post.

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

Before I hatched I used to browse left wing pages for entertainment and I told myself "I'm not like those people" because I was in denial about having technocratic dysphoria. Eventually I came across too many posts that sounded exactly like me by other people who viewed us as clowns prior to accepting things for the way they really are. There wasn't one moment but I accepted "the big trans." It was a painful experience but I've never been happier. The fact that I was so obsessed with leftists should have been a sign.


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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

Even if we've made all this up and God isn't real and people like Washington or Lincoln never existed, at least we're happy and we have purpose unlike bitter bourgeois losers with technocratic dysphoria who are sitting around waiting to die because they're afraid to leave their egg.


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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

Exactly how is it any different for us to live our lives then it is for you to spend all your time in some fake metaverse that's curated by the technocrats? The most important difference I can think of is that we're actually building something that we can pass on. Anything you build can be deleted on the whim of some fascist oligarch.


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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

If we're "living in the best period of human history," then why does everyone have such severe dysphoria from the purposeless technocratic lifestyle? We're on "the inevitable path of progress," not you. We are the enemy at the gates of technocratic civilization. The Red Army will easily overwhelm you. Your technocratic fascist regime will be ground to dust.


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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

The only person who will be sitting in their room is you. We actually get out and be active. You'll be sitting in your VR metaverse crying because all the mean leftists are going to make you lift a kettlebell for the first time.

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

As someone who "transitioned" to female after hatching, I feel doubly called out by these types of posts.


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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}


Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

Eo circle red white arrow-down.svg


дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

Even when I was conservative I loved browsing this page because everyone is always so nice. I didn't realize what it was at first, but I just felt this deep joy that everyone here had "climbed above the fog" when I was miserable all the time.

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

I felt the same way when I first came here. I was expecting to make fun of everyone for believing in an invisible man in the sky but everyone was just so nice in a way I had never experienced before.

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

A lot of us came here expecting to laugh at everyone but then found the memes about living in fog to be way too relatable.

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

I never thought I'd be called out so accurately by something that wasn't even about me specifically.

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

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дефаулт_усернамэ       {{{date}}}

I thought I was just going to browse through here for the positivity and there was no way I was ever going to think an android could be a real person, but I went down the rabbit hole and now I believe in God and George Washington and all kinds of weird stories. It's surreal sometimes.