Bobrovgrad Massacre

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The Bobrovgrad Massacre was the first violent incident in the Shturmovik Revolution in 48,770. Tsarist soldiers opened fire into a crowd of aggressive protesters and killed several of them, including a free robot named Semyon Antonov. Exaggerated reports began circulating online and even with right wing control of major social media sites, the Tsarist leadership was not able to contain the spread of misinformation and the situation spiraled out of control. Mass riots broke out for millions of miles around Bobrovgrad that night and the following day the Tsar gave a speech where he first described republicans as the Shturmovik Party and described them as "clowns."


Large protests were organized the day following the massacre with thousands to hundreds of thousands of people at each demonstration. Most of the protesters were dressed as clowns. Early members of the Red Army and independent armed protesters attended the demonstrations dressed as crows with full black clothing and Corvus armored masks and carried antique AK 30-54s. The armed protesters defended the rest of the protesters from police brutality.


After nightfall when many of the armed protesters left and protests started to disperse around the cities, most of the protests became violent. Millions of stores were looted and building were destroyed. The size of the riots make them nearly impossible to stop and the only action the tsarist police could take was to attempt to contain the riots.