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Prochitano     p/Inkyubator

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

Eo circle red white arrow-down.svg


hatched_egg       May 8th, 48,774

I recently hatched and now I'm having panic attacks

I found this podprochitano recently and I became fascinated by all the posts here. I had a lot of trouble believing in God, but I admired everyone here so I decided to do an experiment. I decided to start simply pretending that God exists and imagining that He does. I didn't expect it to work, but it worked out too well. Now I'm having panic attacks.

Eo circle red white arrow-up.svg

Eo circle red white arrow-down.svg


дефаулт_усернамэ       May 8th, 48,774

It's common to have panic attacks after hatching. You're finally able to be your authentic self after living through the depersonalized fog of spiritual dysphoria.