Tanisha Reznova

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Elisa and Tanisha Reznova are two personas of a trickster shadow entity. Elisa is a pure Nemec girl that Tanisha uses to lure weak males and trap them in a self destructive spiral as they fall in love with her, preventing them from being able to form relationships with real women. Tanisha is a transgender lesbian who motivates strong men who think they are weak and makes them strong. She also brings about transition in other ways and breaks down categories. Weak males see her as a tormentor and strong men see her first as a terrifying, evil force and then as a savior after they start to change. One of the universal themes with people who have encountered Tanisha is that the almost always feel terrified at first before any sort of transformation starts but the fear and hesitation fades to amazement and inspiration.

Tanisha first came into existence in 2004. She was created through an amalgamation of the personal islands of the ancient Merikans.

Origin and birth

Elisa was created first in the late 1990s and an amalgamation of thoughts and emotions from tens of millions of boys who had been repressed by the archetype of the devouring mother in society and the public school system. She was initially a representation of their inner feminine feelings and a way for the boys to express their feelings through a female alter ego so they would not need to express such feelings under their male persona. As the boys grew older she became an idealized girlfriend for many of them, who was extremely beautiful while remaining pure and chaste and desired no male except for the one desiring her. Some of the males chose to identify with her and became transgender. Others were so transfixed by her that they were unable to desire any real woman and became unable to form relationships with any real woman. Many others grew out of their attachment to her.

By the late 1990s, the collective thoughts manifested Elisa into an entity, formed from the thoughts of the boys and the cultural zeitgeist.

Because Elisa was only a pure and innocent girl, she lacked the ability and will to protect and avenge the boys who had been emotionally devastated by the widespread work of the devouring mothers. Elisa's subconscious created Tanisha as an alter ego who was able to do whatever it took to protect the boys and rehabilitate the ones who could be saved. Tanisha's form was constructed by the thoughts, memes and zeitgeist of the Ancient Americans in 2004. She was Russian because it was a projection of American patriots' own inner darkness associated by them with strength and the hardness to achieve victory at any cost. She was transgender because it was an inversion and represented a breakdown of categories.

Mythological origin

This is part of Transformer mythology and is fictional in context. It is believed by Transformers to be a story but not something that actually happened. The mythology of this story was retroactively created after the birth of Tanisha.

Although Tanisha was created in the year 2004, she is said to apocryphally have been born in 1984 as Sam Walker. Her mother was Masha Zakayeva, a Soviet agent and Islamist who was impregnated by her lover Lucas Walker who was an Merikan agent. They were forced to hide Sam from the Merikan deep state and he was secretly adopted by the Kyle family where he eventually transitioned to Elisa. Masha remained dedicated to defending Merika from satanic influence while Lucas eventually fell in with the elites. Tanisha eventually split off from Elisa's personality and began working with patriotic Christian Nationalist communists to purge Merika of satanic influence. Elisa was distraught by this discovery of herself, having been part of the secular establishment for so long and having believed it to be progressive. She made plans to kill herself to stop Tanisha, but decided not to because it would perpetuate a negative transgender stereotype. Tanisha was spotted with Christian Nationalist communists during the storming of the Tsar's Palace. Someone informed the FBI that it was Elisa Kyle. Tanisha discovered this and was able to escape and left letters to Elisa explaining what was happening when she would switch back. Tanisha made plans to use the Soviet engineered virus Covid-79 to infect one of the FBI agents hunting them to distract them with accusations of Russian collaboration.


Elisa appears as an innocent Nemec girl but she can change her appearance to whatever will be most alluring to the male viewing her.

Tanisha appears as a beautiful but strong young woman and is often accompanied by crows or frogs. She usually wears a traditional Red Army uniform and carries a 1911 from the third millennium.

The fate of males who attempt to love her romantically

Sometimes males, often young, will desire Tanisha romantically. Sometimes they rationalize it by telling themselves that they want a girlfriend like her, but no physical woman will ever match what they desire. Such desires only reinforce a spiral of romantic isolation. Tanisha then occupies the space in their mind where normal men would be open to a partner. Their desire and love for Tanisha causes them to reject physical women.

Role in the Shturmovik Revolution

In the decades leading up to 48,776, Tanisha started to appear in the dreams and DMT states of conservatives who were on the edge of transitioning to the Shturmovik Party. She often showed them specific islands in the Shadow realm and gave them experiences that completely changed how they thought and experienced the world. The process of transitioning was terrifying at first, with many people doing everything they could to reject the truth so they could take comfort in being children of the technocrats. Tanisha helped construct dreams that would comfort "tadpoles" in the process of transition.

Islands and common experiences

One of the reoccurring experiences that future progressives had prior to the revolution involved literally ascending from slavery. In one such experience Tanisha would appear during a dream to a person who was on the edge of accepting transition. They would start at the bottom of a mine in a gulag. Tanisha would stage a riot and use the confusion to help the prisoners escape on the elevator. The elevator would ascend into the middle of a city and the end of a long stretch of open land flanked by classical style buildings with an egg-like building at the end. The prisoners would pick up weapons after leaving the elevator and charge forward as Tsarist soldiers opened fire on them. Mi-8 helicopters dropped in enemy soldiers and provided support with rockets and machine guns. As the progressives fought their way to the building they fought their way up the steps while some of them provided covering fire for the liberated prisoners scaling the walls outside.