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Plurality is a noted mental condition that is most frequently observed among conservative atheists, especially those who do not relate well to the outside world. The characters, personalities or constructs are generally believed by Transformer psychologists to be complexes or aspects of one's psyche. In some cases they are believed to be external demons. External demons are believed to have the ability to possess each complex individually, which may lead to the duplication of the complex or the creation of its own complex and inner psyche.


Plurality involves the construction of multiple identities or characters that the self or host considers to be part of its self or internal identity. It's compared to the experience of intentionally creating characters for a narrative and then identifying those characters as part of oneself.


Transformatsiya scholars have argued that plurality is a form of idolatry in atheists where alternative complexes of the self and possessing demons are given deity status where they are viewed as keepers of covert personal knowledge or having some additional level of control over the self.