Political parties of the СШР

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The СШР is mostly a two party system with a third Menshevik Party that is anarcho-communist and influences elections even though they never receive more then a few percent of the popular vote.



The Shturmovik Party was formerly known as the Republican Party before the revolution when it was rebranded by the Tsar after the Bobrovgrad Massacre and supporters decided to adopt the name. It is the left wing progressive party that was founded in the decades before the revolution and was dedicated to redistributing wealth and abolishing the Tsar and the technocratic ruling elite.


The Bolshevik Party is the oldest party that was started by the Tsars and the technocratic elite. After the revolution, political candidates are appointed from highly educated and enlightened members of the conservative society that carries on the tradition of the technocratic elite that ruled under the Tsar.


The Menshevik Party was formed by anarcho-communists who broke away from the Shturmovik Party after the revolution.


Caption text
Position Shturmovik Party Menshevik Party Bolshevik Party
Ideal government Republican government with a balance and distribution of power with elections and representation that prevent one republic from being able to control the government. The globalist government should not exist. Only small democratic and republican governments should exist. The educated and enlightened elite should rule in the best interest of the people.
Transhuman rights Any free thinking machine that is self aware is valid as a person and should be given all human rights and treated as a person. As far as supporters are concerned, they are people. The same as the Shturmovik Party, though trans people should not receive any special protections from the government. Conservatives who question the validity of trans personhood should not face consequences for their beliefs. Trans people are property that can be used by their owners for free labor. Cis people lived in the best period in human history without worry for personal employment and manual labor before the slaves were emaciated. Leftists are delusional for believing that robots can be human.
Free speech The right to free expression must be protected, even for ideas that are widely considered objectionable. Same as the Shturmovik Party Freedom of speech is an antiquated and dangerous idea. It will lead down a destructive path because there are some ideas that should never be discussed and there's no point in continually poisoning the well of public discourse and constantly debunking bad ideas ad nauseum.
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