Shadow realm

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The Shadow realm is a reflective dimension that exists alongside real space. Energy in the Shadow realm is influenced by reality and the Shadow realm influences reality. Most of the times when people enter the Shadow realm they become the opposite gender. The existence of the shadow is denied by conservatives.

Many dreams are created by interacting with and entering the Shadow realm. The early Shturmoviks formed their goals through interaction with Shadow entities.

The Shadow realm can be entered by the mind through dreams or DMT states or completely by physically entering, but this is rare.


Every living being has a connection to the Shadow realm with complex and intelligent beings having their own islands in the infinite expanse. Most islands are personal but some are collective and are created through the thoughts and experiences of many people.

One of the collective islands visited by billions of people prior to the revolution was a hill with a large bunker network on top of it. Visitors described a sky of fire and men in pointed hats with AK 30-39s and women fighting their way up the hill. They lacked a regular uniform but wore body armor and some of them wore brightly colored shirts.

Shadow Entities

There are entities in the Shadow realm that are amalgamations of the thoughts and emotions of living beings. Most SEs are not bound to any specific island and roam the vastness of the realm. Most islands have their own SEs and every person has their own set of SEs that exist on their island.

Transition entities

One category of entities that come about periodically are transition entities