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Role in the Shturmovik Revolution

The progressive faction was much more effective then the conservative tsarists at spreading their ideas because they over simplified their arguments down to catchy memes. I contrast, conservatives relied on long form 40 minute videos where they tried to have "open and vulnerable" "exploraitons" of complex ideas that rarely attracted new viewers and only confirmed the beliefs of existing conservatives.



Frogs were common in memes during the revolution because of their symbolism as a transition entity in transitioning from a tadpole to a frog.

  • Frog go kva
This was used as a common demeaning shitpost in response to a conservative statement, usually one that was excessively lengthy. It was used in memes showing an angry conservative character saying that progressives couldn't simply reduce a complex political issue to a meme with a left wing character responding with the phrase.


The character Voyak was a Polish meme character who is depicted as a simple drawing and is usually used to represent depression from technocratic dysthymia.

Do a spinny

"Do a spinny" was a common shitpost and was a phrase used in memes that usually refenced violent left wing revolution. It metaphorically represented turning and transition and literally represented the follower of a magazine spinning.