Shturmovik psychology

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Shturmovik psychology is a completely unconventional approach to psychology from the overwhelming majority of other cultures. It rejects the idea that psychology is scientific or that it can be explained or understood in any meaningful or practical way. Attempts to approach psychology from a rational or scientific perspective ultimately fail and are often methods of bourgeois control. The Shturmovik approach to psychology is heavily spiritual and relies on analysis of symbols.

Position on medication

With few exceptions for major neurological conditions, the position of the Shturmovik Party is that almost all use medication for psychological effects is done for bourgeois control or profit and willingness to receive psychological medication is caused by bourgeois degeneration syndrome. Anti depressants and anti anxiety medications are considered Tier 1 drugs with no medical benefit with mandatory time required in a mental health Senak.

Psychological and social dysfunction

Toxic masculinity

Toxic masculinity as it is understood by the Shturmovik Party is when the psychological forces of the cosmological masculine overpower the forces of the cosmological feminine, resulting in excessively masculine thinking. Paradoxically, many males suffering from toxic masculinity are often quite effeminate and sometimes believe that men are simply a biproduct of biology that no longer needs to exist in a highly advanced and enlightened society. This type of thinking is consistent with the highly logical nature of toxic masculinity. An example in many Nordic worlds is that the disabled will often sacrifice themselves to voluntary euthanasia programs so that they will not "burden" society with their "defects."

Mental disorders

Shturmovik political doctrine strongly discourages the use of labels in mental health, although recognizes that sometimes it is necessary. Labels are often used rhetorically for diagnosing the behavior of political opponents. It has been common practice among the Bolshevik Party pre dating the revolution to label political dissidents as mentally ill for being dysphoric in the "technocratic utopia."


Schizoid-narcissism is a label for a broad range of conditions that produce behavior that is viewed as undesirable and self harming. It often includes depression and social isolation or dysfunction.