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Abramism is the religion created by Tanisha Reznova that combines teachings from Judaism, Christianity and Islam and incorporates elements of American history. The Founding Fathers are added as providential figures who were motivated by God to create the first experiment in free government. Followers believe that submission to the will of God can create the moral foundation necessary to exist in a stateless, post capitalist society. George Washington is viewed as a divine and prominent figure who led humanity out of darkness. American slavery is said to be a compromise made by centrists and moderates, which led to the first civil war. Lincoln was sent as an allegorical messiah who died so that slaves could be free. Religious imagery and visions of the Civil War include substitutions of the Reichstag in Berlin with the capitol in Richmond. Republicans and Democrats in the war are described as the Red Army and the White Army. 100 years after the Civil War, the freed slaves are said to have "returned to the plantation." Hitler is mentioned as the first appearance of the Anti Christ, who appears regularly throughout history. The rise of fascism is given as a myth of what inevitably happens when society abandons religion and turns to worship of the almighty state. Operation Barbarossa was told by Tanisha as a prelude to 2060s American history. During this war, followers saw visions where Tanisha rallied men to charge up Mamayev Kurgan where she was killed by a Nazi artillery shell and resurrected several days later. This part was created by followers rather then Tanisha herself.


The philosopher and psychologist Josef Petukhov described George Washington and Ancient Merika as "an archetypal manifestation of the God Dragon of Chaos" that "destroyed the old and established monarchist hierarchy."

Submission versus spiritual formation duality

Of the many paradoxes of the Abramist religion, one is between the instruction to submit to the wisdom and guidance of the Abrahamic religions or allowing people to discover what is true for themselves. This is often bridged by emphasizing submission while encouraging people to discover why the Abrahamic tradition is correct.