Celibacy tax

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The communist party imposed taxes on celibacy and childlessness as one of their early changes after the Shturmovik Revolution. The Transformatsiya religion teaches that people who remain unmarried or childless are satanic parasites on society who pursue only their own pleasure. Lack of intimacy is said to have a severely corrupting effect on the mind. Adult virginity is considered a sex offense. Anti social behavior is strongly condemned. Married couples who do not have children at least once per century without a valid reason are considered self centered and satanic.

Gay people are strongly encouraged to have gay heterosexual relationships with trans people. If not, they are expected to adopt children.

The income tax for being unmarried is 15%. This tax increases to 25% after age 25.

The income tax for not having a child is 20%. It increases by 1% for every year after marriage up to 80%.