Schizoid-Narcissist Affective Disorder

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Schizoid-Narcissist Affective Disorder is a mental disorder described by the Shturmovik culture as leading to psychosis and social dysfunction. It is heavily politicized and in many ways is similar to Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is regularly referred to simply as schizoid.

Quirkiness and nerdiness

One of the most common symptoms is the display of quirkiness and nerdiness. It has been extensively documented by explorers of the Red Army that the emergence of quirkiness and nerdiness in a society is one of the most reliable pre-collapse indicators of a civilization. In every collapsing civilization, geekiness became celebrated.

Common delusions

  • Cis people should reject all or parts of their biological bodies and such changes would be an improvement
  • Civilizations should be run by AI overlords because they will be more effective and benevolent
  • It is necessary to give up freedom in order to be safe