Chernov-Veiss riots

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Affiliation Faction list
Leftist factions Shturmovik Party

Red Army


Rightist factions Bolshevik Party

Radical Bolshevism

Ambiguous or mixed Menshevik Party

Revolyu Boys

The Chernov-Veiss riots were a widespread series of riots across the СШР in the year 50,018 in response to the fatal and controversial police shootings of Vanya Chernov, a transhuman android, and Yoerg Veiss, an autistic Nordic immigrant. Vanya Chernov was murdered first on March 19th, resulting in whitespread pan-political outrage. Yuerg Veiss was killed two days later during a meltdown by Polish police officers. Radical Bolsheviks, including many Nordic immigrants, plus many sympathetic Bolsheviks rallied to the cause of Veiss to advocate against police brutality against Nordic people and the neuro-divergent. Many Shturmoviks viewed these protests as an attempt to usurp the movement dedicated in memory of Chernov. There were many confrontations between protest groups. The KVD and the Red Army forced Radical Bolshevik protesters away from their events.


Shturmovik Party

Rioting among the left was less common, but when it happened it was often directed at government institutions such as police stations with efforts made to prevent anyone from getting hurt. There was also limited looting of large corporate retail businesses, which was permissible under doctrine since most retail employees lived with their parents and didn't need the job as members of the "impotent bourgeoise."

Radical Bolshevism

After the killing of Yuerg Veiss and the condemnation of protests from the left, many Nordic immigrants and sympathetic Bolsheviks began rioting and destroyed large parts of cities. In response, Red Army militias began organizing to protect left wing businesses from the rioters.

Prague insurrection