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The viral disease Korvis-769 first appeared in the year 48,769 and spread around the world throughout the next year and accelerated the Shturmovik Revolution by creating mass unemployment and poverty. The disease itself was not very deadly but the rate that it transmitted made it incredibly devastating.

The virus originated in Russia as a mutation from a common bear virus.

Political response

When the virus started to spread out of control, the progressive left suggested that everyone should wear masks and continue with precautions while allowing the people most at risk to stay home and work from home if possible. Tsarist conservatives argued that wearing masks would cause PTSD and everyone needed to stay home while robot slaves and their owners worked. After conservatives implemented their lockdown, they unexpectedly brought about the fall of the Tsar.

Religious influence

In Shturmovik Judeo-Rodnovery the Korvis-769 pandemic is considered a transition entity. It is represented by the crow and the coincidental appearance of the black uniform and Corvus helmet of the Red Army during and after the revolution.